Bahá'ís of Placer County, California

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Bahá'ís of Placer County, California

God is One. Man is One. All Religions are One.

Welcome to the Placer County California Baha'i website!

We are happy you found us. There are several Baha'i communities in Placer County. This site consolidates information about all of these communities into one convenient location and also offers direct links to events and localities.

If you wish to contact a particular community just click on the Communities tab at the top of this page.

This site features Placer County Baha'i activities and news items. If you are looking for information from the Sacramento area, please send an email to:

The national Baha'i website has additional information and can found at:

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Recent Stories

Presentation about the Baha'i Faith - Sacramento

Want to learn more about the Baha'i Faith?  Have questions?  Please join the Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento Day of Learning About Faith Traditions.  The presentation is organized by the Sacramento Baha'is.

Baha'i presentation...

- What is PROGRESSIVE REVELATION and why do Baha'is believe in it?
- What does the Baha'i Faith say about RACIAL JUSTICE?
- Why should SCIENCE AND RELIGION agree?
- How is SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a spiritual principle?

Calling all youth! Introduction to Animator Training - December 28

Are you between the ages of 15 and 29?  Would you like to learn more about a leadership training program to help younger teens (11-14 years old) develop spiritual qualities, to learn to make good choices in their lives and to be of service to their communities?  We would like to invite you to an introductory meeting about the Animator Training program offered as a service of the Baha'i Faith.  

Peace Camp

The Auburn area Baha'is had an activity table at Peace Camp in Auburn July 29, 2016

Nancy Harper, Christy Crandell and Jan Merrill work a Baha'i Table at the Peace Camp in Auburn, CA on Friday, July 29, 2016. They gave out free Baha'i stickers and invited children to color a virtues coloring sheet. They collected names of adults and children interested in becoming involved the the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program. A good time was had by all.
