Are you between the ages of 15 and 29? Would you like to learn more about a leadership training program to help younger teens (11-14 years old) develop spiritual qualities, to learn to make good choices in their lives and to be of service to their communities? We would like to invite you to an introductory meeting about the Animator Training program offered as a service of the Baha'i Faith.
The training will prepare you to become a mentor to younger teens by engaging them in the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program (JYSEP). In the JYSEP, teens meet weekly where they study character development themes, develop the power of expression, discuss difficult issues with peers, create art, play cooperative games, engage in healthy recreation and plan and carry out service projects. The mentors of the JYSEP are called "animators" because they bring joy and life to the group and act as role models for younger teens.
To learn more about the Animator Training, we have organized an introductory meeting to give you an in-depth look at the training and the JYSEP. We have also invited a few trained young people who are mentoring local JYSEP groups, so you can ask questions of people "in the field." Please join us on:
Wednesday, December 28, 2016, 7-8:30 pm
Location: The Bahá'í Reading Room & Information Center is located at: 3119 Penryn Road, # 240, Penryn, CA 95663 (Exit 112 from I-80).
Light refreshments will be served.
If you know of other students or youth who might be interested in the Animator Training, please feel free to invite them! Please let us know how many people will attend so that we can have enough materials for everyone. Now more than ever, we see the need for good character development in teens and hope you can join us!
Here's a link to general information about the JYSEP:
If you can't make it to this workshop, please let us know and we'll schedule another time to introduce you to Animator Training and see how you can participate in this worldwide program to assist young teens in strengthening their own characters and in serving their communities!
For more information, please contact Jan at 916-316-4807.